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9- Steps To Fixing Your Blacklisting Nightmare, is another installment from the Book Series:
‘Closing Holes In Your $$$-Bucket’

If you have your hands on this book, you are probably thinking of fixing a thing or two on your credit profile.
Perhaps you know that you kinda missed some payments on your accounts and debt collectors are harassing you. You are also wondering what is the best and most credible way to remove your blacklisting without falling victim to credit repair SCAMS!

I would like to empower you and share the journey inspired by over 14 years of me helping thousands of people with debt management and credit repair through my company, Good Life Money-Mastery. I promise you no jargon language, and no academic or book-publishing stereotypes in this book. Simple, raw, real-life, impactful, effective, and practical wisdom, that I promise you.
So, this book prepares you to be credit-wise for the long haul. Not just a quick fix for your credit score. Because I also the root cause of your current blacklisting and poor credit management behaviours.

The Africa Award-Winning Book: ‘Money-Bucket Holes Explained’ is the first book of this Book Series. The book introduces the metaphor concept of the ‘Money-Bucket’ that represents the money you hustle every day to earn and pour into this imaginary ‘bucket’.

Whereas the ‘Holes’ represents the things/situations, yourself, and people that waste your money/prevent your financial prosperity thus making it difficult for your money-bucket to fill up or overflow to your expectations. I made a promise in that book that the upcoming books will unpack in detail, every ‘hole’ that might be in your ‘money-bucket’. Be sure to grab this award-winning book and lay the foundation to grasp the essence of this book series.

Promises of the book:

  • Identify the real WHY of your blacklisting- So that you do not reinvent the wheel once you have sorted your credit problems.
  • Identify the causes of your blacklisting (who/what)- So that you can deal with the past and what lead you to this point. Being brutally honest will also help identify if YOU also played a role in creating your bad credit records.
  • Diagnose the repercussions or consequences that your bad credit has created. Your pain and suffering- so that you can now go through it and weigh the cost of not doing anything about fixing your blacklisting vs taking timely decisions toward achieving your financial and credit goals.
  • Close any mishaps that are blocking you from buying your dream house or car- Take action so that you become credit-worthy now and remain so for the longest haul.
  • Your first step to qualifying for your dream house or car!


9 Steps To Fixing Your Blacklisting Nightmare: Amazon Top 100 Bestseller!

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